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Meet the Team

Just me and my #bunnies during our break at the critter class today in #philly.jpg


Owner/Lead Educator

Tori is the founder, owner and lead educator of Tori's Critters. She founded the program as a way to inspire others to see the beauty in animals as she does. Tori is primarily responsible for the everyday care and maintenance of all the critters.

My wonderful #husband supporting our #buisness and holding Radish the #rosehairtarantula for the fir


Co-Owner/Support Staff

Joe is co-owner of all the Tori's Critters animals. He is a major brainstormer for our ever improving setup. Joe makes all of our displays you see at our larger shows. During vendor type events, Joe mans the craft table to help raise funds for the critters.



Animal Educator

Juliana met us at an event we were invited to attend. She was happiest around animals and hoped to one day become a wildlife rehabilitator. She was an amazing young lady and we will miss her dearly.

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