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Cold Blooded Cuties

Gator the Blue Tongue Skink
Puddles the Sudan Plated Lizard
Mocha the Crested Gecko
Rexy the Tegu
Kermit the Bearded Dragon
Cinnamon Toast the Ball Python
Fry the Carpet Python
Dini and Tricky the Colombian Boas
Link the Corn Snakes
Penny the Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Sephora the Dumerils Boa
Pumpkin and Koi Boi the Milk Snakes
Anubis the Mexican Pine Snake
Kovu the King Snake
Alfredo the albino Black Rat Snake​

Echo & Blue the Dumpy Tree Frogs
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
Dubia Cockroaches
Curly Hair Tarantulas
Darkling Beetles
Mexican Red Knee Tarantula
Bumblebee Millipedes
Giant African Millipedes

Tortellini the Russian Tortoise
VolderTort the Red Foot Tortoise
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